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FEB, 2023

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Invisalign® Certification
FEV 10, 2023

A group of 20 Portuguese dentists began their Invisalign® training last week under the leadership of Dr. Pedro Costa Monteiro. It was 16 hours of intensive theoretical training with the two official Invisalign® speakers, Dr. Pedro Costa Monteiro and Dr. Isabel Flores.

Creativity, problem-solving skills, and the importance of diagnosis are the major challenges in today's orthodontic world. Dealing with new technologies and artificial intelligence are guiding principles in the education of the Invisalign® orthodontic specialty. The Master Aligner Academy, of which Dr. Pedro Costa Monteiro is co-director, is currently the only academy in Portugal with official Invisalign® certification.

Interested in Invisalign® certification with Dr. Pedro Costa Monteiro? Fill out the form available at the link below.

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